Look what I can do. I can hold my bottle all by myself. Now if I could only make my bottle all by myself, then I wouldn't have to wait on mommy and daddy to feed me.
This is my friend Gabriella. Grandma watches us both during the week at Gabriella's house while my mommy and daddy go to work. Gabriella is 14 months older than me, but we still have fun together. She likes to steal my paci and "try" to put it back in my mouth. Grandma thought it would be cute to dress us alike one day. You gotta love the giraffes!!
Daddy took a picture of me holding my giraffe ring all by myself, on August 11, 2008. I'm getting so big, mommy and daddy have no idea what I have in store for them.
Grandma decided to do a dry-run for Halloween. I wasn't too excited about it at first. I'm almost too big for it, hopefully I won't grow too much in the next 31 days.
I love my bouncy seat! Mommy and Grandma both have one so everywhere I go I have my seat. Keep watching you'll see plenty more pictures of me in my seat.